Sunday 7 February 2010

Just a hint....

... of Spring. Only a hint, mind. It has reached 8 degrees today. There were snowdrops along the chemin down in Massat yesterday, not yet open, but pretty in their whiteness all the same. I am noticing patches of fresh new greeness amongst the vegetation on the front terrasse and the bulbs are bravely poking out their green tips. I fear they may be somewhat premature, however, as we are due for another sharp dip in temperature midweek and possibly also more snow at our level. We have taken advantage of the milder temperature today to open all the windows wide, to give the chimney a good sweeping and to get more washing dry outside. I am planning to have a good run tomorrow morning before the weather turns again. Quite where, I have not yet decided, but hopefully somewhere new for a change of scenery.

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