Friday 5 September 2008

The Cirque d'Anglade

Today has been overcast, but dry and cooler than over recent days (around 20 degrees C), perfect weather for a brief outing with the pooch. We headed up to the Cirque d'Anglade which is above Salau. The route to the Cirque is just under 5kms long over which you ascend a little over 600m, so a steady gradient but on good paths. It took us an hour to reach the cirque and after mooching around for a bit, just half an hour to run back down (the recommended time for the return walk is 3 1/2 hrs!), which tested the quads. We didn't meet another soul.... which was nice!The cirque is used as a summer pasture for cattle and is an impressive enclosed amphitheatre (there is sure to be some excellent ice climbing there in the winter) in which we found framboises sauvages and myrtilles (wild raspberries and bilberries) which Andy has transformed into wild fruit tarts for our dessert this evening. Back home, as soon as the necessary kit arrives, we shall be making 'cidre artisanal' - what better way to make use of the vast quantity of apples that are going to waste around Pissou!

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