Monday 21 April 2008

Mountain weather

'Particulier', that's what it is. I simply don't know what to do with my washing! Woke up this morning to clear blue skies - great, get the washing in the machine! An hour and a half later, go to put the washing on the line but hang on, where has the sun gone? The sky had completely clouded over and 10 minutes later, it was raining. This afternoon, I notice the sun streaming in through the windows, look outside and the sky has pretty much cleared, so out goes the washing in lovely warm sunshine. Half an hour later, I notice it has gone very very dark - a glance outside and I see a black sky and hear the rumble of thunder. A storm has blown in at an amazing speed and then the heavens open, but not before a quick dash to the washing line to collect the sheets! It will probably be clear again in 10 minutes - you can't beat a bit of variety.

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